Denika Thomas-Witoko is a qualified counsellor and registered social worker specialising in creative, relationship-based therapy for women and young people.
I was born on Anaiwan Country (Armidale, NSW) where the rivers leap and dance through boulders and fall trustingly into the area’s iconic gorges. I still call Armidale home, but Dharawal Country (Illawarra) with its strong connection between ocean and mountain, has now become my beautiful second home.
I am a fully qualified counsellor and Mental Health Social Worker. I’m a registered provider with Medicare and can offer services to people with an NDIS plan. Some private health care plans will also cover sessions with me.
I have been working in this industry for over 17 years, in out-of-home care support for youth; foster care placement support; and womens health, including sexual assault, domestic and family violence and complex PTSD.
I spend my free time with my family doing outdoor activities, swimming, camping and being creative. I'm a mother to two children, who are constantly teaching me the importance of slowing down, giving myself over and loving unconditionally. I love that every day is different and that, through my relationship with my children, I have the opportunity to more deeply understand myself.
I've been making art since I was a teenager and find comfort in painting what I am unable to express with words. Exploring my world through the lens of colour, emotions and feeling has supported me to maintain an open heart and has been a way to stay connected to whatever life throws my way.
I've recently trained as a Transpersonal Art Therapist in order to bring all the benefits of working with creative expression into my work with clients. This way of working combines so well with the other approaches I use, such as narrative therapy, EMDR and mindfulness.
I believe that every individual holds within them knowledge about how to live the life that's best for them. I can support people to uncover this inner wisdom by providing a space and relationship which helps people to understand themselves, their experience and their emotions and learn how to navigate their world.

Bachelor of Social Work - University of New England
Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy - College of Complimentary Medicine
Graduate Certificate in Grief, Loss and Trauma Counselling - Flinders University
Diploma of Community Services - TAFE
EMDR Level One and Level Two - Psychology Training
Manager of mental health team and senior social worker at Illawara Women’s Health Centre.
Sessional unit coordinator, lecturer and tutor and external supervisor at University of Wollongong.
Member of expert review panel on childhood sexual abuse for NSW Ministry of Health.
Youth Worker and Co-ordinator at Waminda, Exodus Foundation, Life Without Barriers and Armidale Youth Refuge.

“Denika embodies a rare mix of mainstream and alternative qualifications, extensive work experience in challenging fields and a sense of humour and humility that mean she is constantly reflecting and learning.”
- Rachel, colleague.